
The Growing Importance of Intellectual Property in the

The construction industry recognizes the increasing significance of intellectual property (IP) in its operations. As

Best Practices in Subrecipient Risk Assessments and Monitoring

Subrecipient risk assessments and monitoring are critical aspects of federal grants management. These practices ensure

Nathan Wechsler Manager Joins the Muster Field Farm

Nathan Wechsler & Company, PA is pleased to announce the appointment of Krista Dupre, CPA,

Demystifying Nonprofit Cost Allocations

By Dan Durst, MBA, and Gina McDonald, CPA  When asked what is at the top

Managing Pay for Disqualified Individuals

The title of this article might have caught the eye of some readers, who may

Employee Retention Credit Paused Amid Growing Fraud Concerns

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced a moratorium on new claims related to the

Nathan Wechsler Supervising Senior Joins New Hampshire Book

Nathan Wechsler & Company, PA is pleased to announce that Samantha Henrichon has joined the

Implementation of GASB Statement No. 96, Subscription-Based Information

Governments are required to adopt the provisions of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement (GASBS)

7 Best Money Moves of 2023

In light of our current economy, making sure your money works hard for you is

Insider Threats: Identifying, Mitigating and Preventing Internal Security

One of the most devious and often underestimated dangers in cybersecurity comes from within an