Lisa Arconati

Rental Real Estate: Determining If a Property Is

If you own rental real estate, its classification as a trade or business rather than

Business Travel Deductions for 2021

This article discusses how under previous law, deductions for business meals were limited to 50%

Receipt Signatures, Does Your Small Business Need Them?

This article discusses an important topic that all small business owners should consider as it

Oops, you overfunded your 529 plan

Some might consider it a good problem to have: saving too much money for college.

Nathan Wechsler Supervising Senior Appointed to Board of

Nathan Wechsler & Company, PA is pleased to announce that Renee Beauchemin recently joined the

Productivity Tips for Your Small Business

This article discusses both the importance of a good leader in any small business as

Nathan Wechsler Announces New Tax Supervising Senior

Nathan Wechsler & Company, PA is pleased to announce the addition of Holly Murphy, CPA

Succession Planning for Your Family Business

This article discusses the importance of having a succession plan. According to the Dayton Daily

Regrouping and Restrategizing in the Post-pandemic Nonprofit Sector

In light of the coronavirus pandemic and the enormous impact it had on the nonprofit

New Laws May Affect Nonprofit Giving

If passed, two potential pieces of federal legislation currently working their way through Congress could